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Daily Active Users (DAUs)


What is Daily Active Users?

Daily Active Users (DAUs) quantifies the number of individual users who are active in an app or platform within a 24-hour period.

How is Daily Active Users (DAUs) used?

This metric serves as a pulse check on user engagement and product stickiness, offering a snapshot of day-to-day usage. It can signal product adoption, inform retention strategies, and identify spikes or drops in engagement potentially tied to feature releases or service issues. It's important for gauging daily customer interactions and useful to analyse by cohorts to assess user behaviour over time.

How to calculate Daily Active Users (DAUs)

Count Unique Users Who Engaged Within Day

To calculate DAUs, count the unique users who have engaged with your app or platform within a specific 24-hour period. This means tracking each individual user’s interaction at least once within that day, ensuring no user is counted more than once in the same day.

Best Practices

Best practices include segmenting DAUs by user type or engagement level to understand who drives usage. It's useful to correlate DAUs with new features or marketing initiatives to understand what drives usage. Monitoring DAUs alongside Monthly Active Users (MAUs) is important for deeper behavioural insights and monitoring product stickiness.

Common Misconceptions

Don't equate high DAUs with product success and inevitable monetisation or user satisfaction. Just because people use your product on a given day doesn't mean they like it or will continue using it. DAUs should be combined with revenue and retention metrics to get a holistic view of product health.




What are the main drivers of Daily Active Users (DAUs)?
  • User experience (UX)
  • Product quality
  • Onboarding effectiveness
  • Product knowledge base quality
How should I break down Daily Active Users (DAUs)?
  • Cohort
  • Product
  • Industry vertical
  • Geography
  • Company size

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