
Get alerted on the events that matter to you. Best-in class templates for fast-growing startups available straight out of the box.
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Powerful alerts bring order to chaos.

Get notified about changes in key metrics via Slack and Email.

Reveal problems and opportunities

Leaving problems and opportunities uncovered can be expensive. Alerts foster proactive over reactive operations.

Move with speed

Save time manually searching through your data. Create nimble teams that react to events quickly.

Become more customer-centric

Alerts can help you to optimise customer interactions. They can prevent negative customer experiences, too.

Craft alerts based on the
events that matter to you.

Calliper seamlessly connects to your favourite tools, so you can set up alerts across your whole business

Close Date Overdue
Every time a deal’s due date has passed.
New Content Traffic
Every time we see traffic to a new blog page
New Customer
Every time a new customer subscribes
New Power User
Every time a user becomes a qualified as a power user.
Customer Downgrade
Every time a customer downgrades
New Campaign Started
Every time there is traffic with new Campaign name.
Onboarding Completed
Every time a user completes onboarding.
Deal Enters Stage
Every time a deal enters a specific stage in the pipeline.
New Lead
Every time a lead event is triggered.
Churn After 1 Month
Every time a new customer churns before completing their 2nd billing cycles.
Fast Power User
Every time a user becomes a power user in under X time.
Churned Power User
Every time a user was a power user in the last period but not the current period.
Fast Expansion
Every time a new customer upgrades in before completing their 2nd billing cycle.
Deal Closing Soon
Every time a deal is X days away from it’s due date.
High Traffic
Every time you receive more than X new visitors in a given day
Rotting Deal
Every time a deal has no activity for more than X days.
New Top 10 Customer
Every time a customer becomes a new Top 10 account in terms of MRR.
Highly Engaged User
Every time a user triggers a signal more than X times over a specific period.

Don’t take our word for it.

Hear from some of our amazing customers who are growing faster.

Setting up Calliper was amazingly simple; it took literally minutes. The product is incredibly easy to use and it's so nice to have data from our various different sources all in one place.

Product @ Flexa Careers

I absolutely love it. It keeps telling me things I don’t know…. It tells me things our team would have to sit down for hours to figure out.

CEO @ isosconnect

Calliper's setup was quick, we integrated all our data in minutes. The insights are very handy and ensure we're always in tune with what's happening across our business.

Kat Trefilova
CEO @ That's The One

What you're getting back is insights that I would absolutely not know how to gather from Mixpanel. So they're able to find correlations that I wouldn’t be able to find in a year.

CEO @ Whale

I love it when Calliper brings up something that’s surprising or counterintuitive.

CPO @ Togal

It was really easy to get started and it doesn’t take a lot of time. We found the Slack notifications really useful. The insights we get are really good. Calliper helps us go deeper into the data and find more stuff.

Growth & Revenue @ Raffle AI

Join other fast growing SaaS startups using Calliper.

Calliper is a modern business intelligence platform designed for SaaS Operators. Get automatic customer insights and alerts, and make data-informed decisions with ease.

Learn more about Calliper

Discover more about how to build a data-driven organisation.


Bring together all your data sources in minutes, not months.


An accessible set of dashboards to get everyone on the same page.


Get actionable insights based on your customers.
🎉  We just launched our Culture Deck. Click here to learn more →